Green Criminology and Protection of Environment

Epistemology, Research, Policy Making and Action

22 - 23 September, 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security at the University of Maribor and GERN - Groupement européen de recherche sur les normativités are organising a Workshop Green Criminology and Protection of Environment - Epistemology, Research, Policy Making and Action which will take place at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security on 22 - 23 September, 2011 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Environmental criminality forms, as consequences of the irresponsible human behaviour and illegal interferences, are important to the national and global security. The question of environment and environmental politics is becoming a more and more important part of public policies, dealing with the question of survival of the human race. The idea of the proposed GERN workshop lays in an assumption that there is no European network on studying such crimes and the state of the art of knowledge, research results, policy making issues and social action regarding environmental criminality should be discussed in an academic environment.

The first objective of the proposed workshop is to identify how promising green criminology is, what the extent of knowledge on environmental issues is, and what forms of environmental criminality should (or could) be studied in a social scientific manner. In addition, discussions on public awareness, prevention and law enforcement are planned for the workshop. The second objective is the establishment of a network of researchers and experts, who would exchange ideas and research results, publish research findings and apply for joint research projects in the future. In addition, an overview of environmental topics included in criminology curricula at European universities will be discussed. Papers presented at the workshop will possibly be published in an edited book or a special issue of the Journal of Criminal Justice and Security. In addition, an edited book by Meško, G. et al (2011) will be presented on the workshop.