Zimska šola – Berlin

Študente obveščamo o možnosti prijave na Zimsko šolo, ki jo organizira partnerska fakulteta (HWR Berlin). Spodaj več informacij. Zainteresirane študente vabimo, da do 15.10.2021 pošljejo mail in kratek opis (pol strani) želje po sodelovanju (motivacijsko pismo) na International.Office@fvv.uni-mb.si

Winter School 2021

The Department of Police and Security Management of the HWR Berlin is organizing within the framework of the INKOEPS project a Winter School on the topic „Leadership and intercultural competences in security management”. The INKOEPS project aims to further develop the university’s internationalization strategy in conjunction with the digitalization strategy for the Department of Police and Security Management. Among the various initiatives to connect the Department internationally with other partners, the Winter School offers international students the opportunity to network and engage with experts of the security field and to enhance leadership as well as intercultural skills.

Although the announcement is very short notice, we are very pleased to inform you that we would like to invite you and some of your students to participate in our Winter School from 28 November to 5 December. We firmly believe that your participation in the Winter School would be a unique opportunity and an enriching experience for students to participate in interactive activities and practical workshops in an international and interdisciplinary environment. In addition, we would be happy to introduce you in more detail to other initiatives and objectives of the INKOEPS project in order to strengthen our future cooperation.  

Due to limited spots, each partner school has the opportunity to register 5 students and 1 lecturer to participate in the Winter School. (if more places are available, we will let you know ASAP).

Further details about the programme will be announced soon.

The Winter School includes accommodation and travel allowances as follows:

Travel allowance: <<depending on the country:

  • 250 EUR Netherlands;
  • 275 EUR GB
  • 450 EUR Slowenien
  • 650 EUR Israel>>.

Accommodation allowance: 33 EUR/day for students, (each person, for maximum 7 days, days of travel calculated together as one day)

Please note that participation in the Winter School is only possible for people vaccinated according to the rules of the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Here the link on rules to enter in Germany: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/einreiseundaufenthalt/coronavirus

Here the link of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on vaccinations accepted in Germany: https://www.pei.de/EN/newsroom/dossier/coronavirus/coronavirus-content.html;jsessionid=EACE399019322566060D177BFA1931FA.intranet231?cms_pos=3 As the Winter School is taking place on site, a hygiene concept will be applied throughout the week and sent to participants in due time