AmCham – opravljanje prakse

Spoštovani študentje, 

posredujemo vam povezavo do informacij o možnosti opravljanja praks v okviru dogodka AmCham in Ameriške ambasade:

Samo za naše študente je razpis podaljšan do 8. marca 2023.

Naši študentje so se že prijavili na tovrstni razpis v preteklih letih in imajo danes super zaposlitev

The U.S. Embassy Ljubljana and AmCham Slovenia are co-organizing our 12th AnnualStudent Entrepreneurship and Internship (SEI) 2023 program for 20 selected Slovenian university students, in Ljubljana.

  • Entrepreneurship: The Embassy program in Ljubljana from July 10-21, 2023 is free for those selected to take part. U.S Professor of Entrepreneurship Jay Ebben guides student teams through a Lean-Start Up program and the Embassy organizes 20+ site visits, lecture and talks.
  • Internships: AmCham Slovenia organizes paid month-long internships for students with top AmCham member companies from May-Sept. 2023.
  • Target group: Slovenian students aged 19-28, dodiplomski and Master’s students from any field of study or faculty. Must be Slovenian citizens.
  • Official deadline: March 3, but extended to March 8 at 15.00 for students FVV.
  • Interviews for selected applicants in-person or via ZOOM: later next week.